Do not use the mouse just because you can! Make an effort! Use the shortcut on a lesson basis. In no time it will improve your workflow in 70%!!
Numeric keypad shortcuts:
0 - stop / back to start
Enter - Play
4 - rewind
5 - fast forward
* - record
Tip: press 0 twice to go to the beginning of the project. You can start and stop a recording at any time by pushing the * key.
QWERTY shortcut list:
Use the QWERTY keys to work with different tools.
Q - selection tool
W - pencil tool (write and draw events)
E - rubber (delete)
R - razor/ scissor (use it to split clips)
T - mute tool - use it to mute events
Tip: you can also delete things by selecting something and hitting the Del key, or the Backspace key.
Navigating with the keyboard and the mouse:
Left-click the timeline to bring the playback cursor to that position.
Right-click to bring the context menu.
Click anywhere on the horizontal or vertical navigator pane to update the sequencer screen to that section of the project.
Use the mouse wheel to scroll vertically.
Hold down Ctrl and use the mouse wheel to scroll horizontally.
Use the G and the H key to zoom in and out horizontally.
Ctrl + left-click on the time ruler to set the left locator.
Alt + left clik on the time ruler to set the right locator.
Select a clip or several clips by clicking and dragging around them (lasso select) and hit P to loop the selection.
Standard selection shortcuts:
Ctrl + A: selecionar tudoCtrl + S: salvar projeto
Ctrl + C: copiar
Ctrl + X: recortar
Ctrl + V: colar
Select a clip, hold down Ctrl + left-click and drag to create a copy.Select a clip and drag the edges to resize.
Select a clip and Ctrl + drag the edges to time stretch the clip.
Have fun with Reason!
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