Students were told to bring their process journal for the lesson on 02/06.
Todays goals:
P3- define an area of interest for your project, and record a planning timeline on your process journal. Feedback to teacher.
P4- to work on research and outcome, feedback to teacher.
Valentin, Julius & Gustavo:
Idea for investigation: Electronic music mixed with rock & reggae
Outcome: MP3
1. define which style of electronic music will you investigate.
2. what artists could you use as reference for your project?
3. rock and reggae have been mixed with electronic music for quite a while. Find out how it is done in terms of instrumentation, drums & bass, vocals, lyrics, tempo & effects
Rhenan, Albert & Juan:
Idea: MPB song writing in the style of Djavan etc.
Outcome: audio recording of an original song
1. Define what is etc.
2. do some research on song writing techniques and try to find specific information related to MPB song writing
3. what sort of chords do MPB artists like Djavan apply to their own music?
4. what are the most common subject explored in MPB songs?
5. investigate as many MPB songs as possible to have an understanding on melody writing
Idea: Drums for dummies
Outcome: YouTube channel
1. define the content for your lessons
2. investigate ways of making it interesting and engaging
3. whenever possible, try to keep your videos similar in terms of length, camera, audio, etc
4. investigate different recording techniques to ensure the best audio quality as possible
Has yet to define whether will investigate chiptune music or game soundtrack.
João, Lars:
Idea: write & produce reggae tracks
Outcome: CD
1. investigate the roots of reggae to have a better understanding of its basic features
2. what sort of chord progressions could you use in your music?
3. how is the rhythm section?
4. what is the role of different instruments (organ, brass, backing vocals) in reggae?
5. what sort of lines (melodies) do this instruments play?
6. what is the subject of the lyrics?
7. listen to as many reggae artists as possible to get ideas for writing melodies to your own music.
Has yet to define what sort of project will work on.
Idea: To learn, practice and perform covers on the guitar.
1. define 3 songs to work with
2. make sure they are challenging but not impossible to learn
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